Certificate Program

Professional Development : Executive Leadership in Media Certificate Program

The C-suite awaits you! The Executive Leadership in Media Certificate (previously our Media Leadership Program) is a proven and successful professional development intensive designed to enhance your strategic leadership skills. This program is recommended for screen-based professionals with a minimum of ten years of management or entrepreneurial experience in the media industry, with a desire to develop their leadership skills. The Executive Leadership in Media Certificate offers a unique immersive learning experience that combines business school teaching from Schulich MBA faculty with best practices from high-level industry executives. Schulich School of Business is consistently ranked as one of the top business schools in the world.

Opening for Applications in February 2025

Professional Development : Media Business Essentials Program

Our Media Business Essentials (MBE) program is a career-enhancing learning experience for emerging media professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of the business of film, television, and interactive media production. Modules focus on financing and business affairs, production management, production accounting and tax credits, and marketing and distribution. Courses are taught by industry professionals who are currently active and working in the sector. This program is recommended for recent graduates and/or emerging professionals looking for applied learning.

Opening For Registration in Fall 2025.

Professional Development : Corus Media Management Accelerator Program

This 56-hour intensive program is designed to provide screen-based media professionals with the skills needed to excel as managers and entrepreneurs. Jointly developed by WIFT+ Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University’s G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, the Corus Media Management Accelerator delivers essential management training focusing on six core competency areas: communications, financial literacy, marketing, organizational behaviour, project management, and strategic planning.

This Program is currently on hold.