Nine content creators selected for 2018 WIFT-T Ontario Creates IDM Fund Program

Nine content creators selected for 2018 WIFT-T Ontario Creates IDM Fund Program

From October 10-12, participants will learn from top industry professionals how to best package their interactive digital media projects to attract funding support and build their audiences.

Women in Film & Television – Toronto (WIFT-T) is pleased to announce the selected participants and projects for its 2018 Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media Fund Futures program:

  • Dianna Bodnar and Andrew Pope, Down to Earth
  • Deborah Devine and Keith Dunnett, Yellow Wings to Victory
  • Rebeka Herron, Health in Mind
  • Lesley Marshall and Amen Jafri, Dollar Bin DJ
  • Shannon Skinner, Extraordinary Women
  • Janice Zolf, Into the Light with Cité Mémoire

The Ontario Creates IDM Fund Futures program provides potential funding applicants (companies and individuals) with the skills required to fast-track their knowledge acquisition and enhance the competitiveness of their company when applying to the Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund: Production and Concept Definition programs.

This unique program curriculum expands on the application requirements and deliverables of the Ontario Creates IDM Fund: Production and Concept Definition programs. Participants who complete the program will be eligible to submit an application to these funding programs. Successful participants will also have the opportunity to submit an application to receive one of a limited numbers of grants to assist with product development (administered by Ontario Creates).

Sessions will be led by top industry professionals:

  • Sasha Boersma, Co-Founder/Executive Producer, Sticky Brain Studios Inc.;
  • Marina Cordoni, President/Producer, MCE;
  • Jay Gordon, Director of Content and Engagement, Innovate by Day;
  • Jennifer McIlroy, Faculty, Interactive Media Management, New Media, Professional Writing, Corporate Communications (Centennial College, Story Arts Centre); and,
  • Karen Thompson, Manager, CBC Business and Rights, CBC Scripted Programming.

WIFT-T’s 2018 Ontario Creates IDM Fund Futures Program runs from October 10-12, 2018. All sessions will take place at Artscape Youngplace in Toronto. For more on this and other WIFT-T professional development opportunities, visit our overview or contact Laurie Januska, Head of Programming.

Kadon Douglas

There are three things Kadon enjoys doing: sharing resources and knowledge, empowering others (especially those who are often marginalized), and witnessing the magic of film and television.

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From October 10-12, participants will learn from top industry professionals how to best package their interactive digital media projects to attract funding support and build their audiences.